Bitwise operators [cheat sheet]
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1697

Number literals

The binary number 100002 can be written as 020, 16 or 0x10 in Go.

Literal Base Note
020 8 Starts with 0
16 10 Never starts with 0
0x10 16 Starts with 0x


Built-in operators

Operation Result Description
0011 & 0101 0001 Bitwise AND
0011 | 0101 0111 Bitwise OR
0011 ^ 0101 0110 Bitwise XOR
^0101 1010 Bitwise NOT (same as 1111 ^ 0101)
0011 &^ 0101 0010 Bitclear (AND NOT)
00110101<<2 11010100 Left shift
00110101<<100 00000000 No upper limit on shift count
00110101>>2 00001101 Right shift

Package math/bits

Operation Result Description
bits.UintSize 32 or 64 Size of a uint in bits
bits.OnesCount8(00101110) 4 Number of one bits (population count)
bits.Len8(00101110) 6 Bits required to represent number
bits.Len8(00000000) 0
bits.LeadingZeros8(00101110) 2 Number of leading zero bits
bits.LeadingZeros8(00000000) 8
bits.TrailingZeros8(00101110) 1 Number of trailing zero bits
bits.TrailingZeros8(00000000) 8
bits.RotateLeft8(00101110, 3) 01110001 The value rotated left by 3 bits
bits.RotateLeft8(00101110, -3) 11000101 The value rotated right by 3 bits
bits.Reverse8(00101110) 01110100 Bits in reversed order
bits.ReverseBytes16(0x00ff) 0xff00 Bytes in reversed order

Bit manipulation code example

Bitmasks, bitsets and flags shows how to implement a bitmask, a small set of booleans, often called flags, represented by the bits in a single number.

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