Go tutorials

Go beginner’s guide: top 4 resources to get you started
How to write 'Hello world' and get started with Go programming: try it out, learn the basics, install the tools, and start a project.
Do you make these Go coding mistakes?
27 Go gotchas and pitfalls intended to help you find and fix similar problems in your own code.
How to use JSON with Go [best practices]
An introduction to Go JSON encoding and decoding with plenty of examples.
Regexp tutorial and cheat sheet
Regular expressions in Go: introduction, cheat sheet and plenty of code examples.
Java to Go in-depth tutorial
A tutorial to help Java programmers come up to speed quickly with Go. It compares the languages and offers plenty of code examples.
Concurrent programming
This tutorial covers concurrency patterns, goroutines, channels, deadlock, data race, timer, ticker, waitgroup, and efficient parallel computation.