Methods explained

Go doesn't have classes, but you can define methods on types.

You can define methods on any type declared in a type definition.

In this example, the HasGarage method is associated with the House type. The method receiver is called p.

type House struct {
	garage bool

func (p *House) HasGarage() bool { return p.garage }

func main() {
	house := new(House)
	fmt.Println(house.HasGarage()) // Prints "false" (zero value)

Conversions and methods

If you convert a value to a different type, the new value will have the methods of the new type, but not the old.

type MyInt int

func (m MyInt) Positive() bool { return m > 0 }

func main() {
	var m MyInt = 2
	m = m * m // The operators of the underlying type still apply.

	fmt.Println(m.Positive())        // Prints "true"
	fmt.Println(MyInt(3).Positive()) // Prints "true"

	var n int
	n = int(m) // The conversion is required.
	n = m      // ILLEGAL
../main.go:14:4: cannot use m (type MyInt) as type int in assignment

It’s idiomatic in Go to convert the type of an expression to access a specific method.

var n int64 = 12345
fmt.Println(n)                // 12345
fmt.Println(time.Duration(n)) // 12.345µs

(The underlying type of time.Duration is int64, and the time.Duration type has a String method that returns the duration formatted as a time.)

Further reading

Object-oriented programming without inheritance explains how composition, embedding and interfaces support code reuse and polymorphism in Go.

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