Public vs. private

A package is the smallest unit of private encap­sulation in Go.

Exported and unexported identifiers are used to describe the public interface of a package and to guard against certain programming errors.

Warning: Unexported identifiers is not a security measure and it does not hide or protect any information.


In this package, the only exported identifiers are StopWatch and Start.

package timer

import "time"

// A StopWatch is a simple clock utility.
// Its zero value is an idle clock with 0 total time.
type StopWatch struct {
	start   time.Time
	total   time.Duration
	running bool

// Start turns the clock on.
func (s *StopWatch) Start() {
	if !s.running {
		s.start = time.Now()
		s.running = true

The StopWatch and its exported methods can be imported and used in a different package.

package main

import "timer"

func main() {
	clock := new(timer.StopWatch)
	if clock.running { // ILLEGAL
		// …
../main.go:8:15: clock.running undefined (cannot refer to unexported field or method clock.running)

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